Money. Money, unfortunately, kind of defines us. I mean think about it, it decides where we live, what school we go to, and at school the friends you make. So ultimately money defines our life. And you might be thinking it wouldn’t affect wealthy people, but I think it would impact them greatly. People might look at them differently, expect them to donate ALL of their money to charity. All of this is because of something so simple yet so complex, called money.
The reason global warming is happening is because of money. Coal is burned because it is cheaper than solar energy or windmills.If some of the multi-billionaires with all that money chipped in- maybe we could do more research on cheaper and easier ways to make solar affordable to everyone. And all those billionaires and millionaires are already doing a lot of charities. Take Bill Gates, for example, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is already is donating a boat load of money to clean drinking water. But the reason they are helping drinking water is because of global warming and water pollution making the water dirty.
I’m not saying that it’s only the people with money that can make a change though. We all have the power to do that. If you live in a city, do you really need your own car? Here in Seattle there are buses, metros, light rail, BIKES and many other public or clean transportation. And guess what? They all cost less than driving your own car!!! You may now also be thinking, how is this our fault? And really it’s not necessarily YOUR fault, it’s OUR fault. If one person didn’t drive or composted all of their compostable food, it really wouldn’t make a difference. But if all of us did that, it would. So how does this relate to money? If we stopped oil company and cars, it would take away jobs, leaving lots of people unemployed, and with no money. But new jobs would open up!!! It would be a problem, yes, and I completely understand that but isn’t it worth it? Isn’t our world worth it? So many people have had their houses and jobs destroyed by extreme weather such as flooding, hurricanes and forest fires. So technically global warming also causes unemployment.
So I’m going to ask a simple question.Would you rather be employed and have a steady flow of money now and watch the world be destroyed OR go without and save the world???
by Ava