Sunday, June 19, 2016

Deadly Lake

Taken by: Billy Wilson
There has been an antitoxin problem at Anderson Lake. It was discovered in 2006 when two dogs died after drinking the lake water. They suffered seizures and died before their owners could get them to the nearest vet. However, there was a third dog that drank the lake water and didn't die. The dog shared the same symptoms as the others, but managed to get to the vet after having fallen into a coma. The dog made a full recovery and was okay, but how did this deadly antitoxin-a get into Anderson Lake?

The antitoxin-a is produced by Cyanobacteria or Blue green algae when they die. The reason they have made the lake so toxic could be because of nutrient pollution. This pollution is caused by fertilizers that make their way into water and cause algae to over populate. Some of these algae can produce toxins such as the ones in Anderson lake, but others cause oxygen depletion by over populating and using too much of the dissolved oxygen which can make fish and other inhabitants die.

This type of water pollution, sadly, doesn't have any easy fix's it could have been easily avoided had people in the area not used fertilizer there wouldn't be a problem. There are many alternate fertilizers that don't contain these nutrients such as Compost tea, organic fertilizer, or even just the old fashioned way! This Completely keeps the problems from happening. Though if you find this hard remember the seven R's!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replace, Refuse & reject, Recover, and Rethink. For this type of pollution though, I most recommend Refuse and reject. By refusing and rejecting fertilizers you can stop this type of pollution.


"How to Make Compost Tea." How to Make Compost Tea. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May 2016. <>

Follow the Rs: Reduce, Replace, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Refuse and Reject, Rethink (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 3 May 2016. <>

"Anderson Lake Closed after Two Dogs Die." Port Townsend Jefferson County Leader. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May 2016. <>.

by Caitlyn

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Ocean Pollution Psa and a Bad Meme (and a slight psa on global warming)

There we go, a bad meme. Now, I'm going to tell you about ocean pollution, oil spills, global warming, and places like the Great Pacific Garbage Dump. Let's start off with global warming. As many of you know, the world is suffering from global warming, meaning that it's getting hotter, which isn't good. An example of what can happen from global warming is more storms, more disasters, and water rising. There is also quite a lot of people saying global warming is a hoax, but to be honest, the people claiming it's a hoax don't really provide very much evidence that or they bring up other topics that seem to be about global warming but isn't at all. So I can't really address that. If you wish to help this then try to figure out a way to use less CO2, like planting trees or using a car less often.

  Now let's start talking about ocean pollution. Unlike the last topic, ocean pollution isn't called a hoax, which is good however that means that people know it's real and bad but don't do anything about it. Ocean pollution is when the ocean is polluted, whether by plastic, trash, chemicals, or oil spills. If somehow you didn't hear of it before and want proof, look at the meme or simply google it. Obviously, ocean pollution is bad because it can do things like killing off sea creatures and the animals that eat those sea creatures, meaning less food for us. And if somehow this helps convince you it's bad, less clean and pretty beaches, I mean imagine swimming in water-filled with plastic, how about chemicals that are bad for you? Or maybe water that just had oil spilled into it. If that still doesn't convince you that it's bad, then maybe you should reconsider a few things. And if it does convince you, then try out cleaning up beaches.

  And now onto our next topic, oil spills. The last paragraph slightly talked about it, though not very much. Oil spills are when, well oil spills into the ocean. This is normally due to fossil fuel mining equipment breaking and the oil going everywhere. And also because of the small droplets of fuel falling from cars and into sewers that lead to the ocean, or other places. This is bad because this can kill animals living in the sea and in some cases, even make them bad to eat. It can also kill the animals eating sea creatures. If you would like to help out with this, try not to drive as often, use a bike or jog if it's nearby and you won't be late, plus it's better for you.

  Onto what's most likely the most famous topic, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch and Other Places Like It. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch and Other Places Like it is caused when people dump garbage out into the ocean either to save money, save space, or just because they're lazy. This can cause animals to suffocate either because something got stuck in their throat o because something wrapped around their neck. In rare cases, the animal will be able to eat it without dying. Still isn't good for them though. Just like global warming The Great Pacific Garbage Patch and Other Places Like it is called a hoax. Although it's not because there isn't proof, it's because it might actually just be a bunch of microscopic plastic. Can't even see it. Either way, it's still bad and therefore, if you wish to help out, use less plastic, clean beaches, recycle, and don't waste food, instead use it as compost. Also, get an aluminum/stainless steel water bottle, it'll be cheaper and better for the world in the long run.

Hanson, Joe. "What Does the 97% Consensus on Man-Made Climate Change Really Mean?" It's Okay To Be Smart. N.p., 25 Apr. 2016. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <>.   

"Healthy Fish Guide." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <>.

"NOAA's National Ocean Service Education: Estuaries." NOAA's National Ocean Service Education: Estuaries. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <>.

"Water Pollution Guide." Water Pollution Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <>.

*All places with [REDACTED] will have information on a later date. Probably. Hopefully. Eh, don't count on it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Social Media

Image from Wikimedia Commons
Today people rely on social media. They use it to plan things, to make friends, and to spread their opinions across the world. This is, in some cases, a good thing, but in others it's a bad thing. This blog for instance is where we are trying to make a difference and trying to show people how they can do the same. That is a good thing. Another instance is like when someone wants attention and they start to insult people. That is, quite obviously, a bad thing.

You know when you're warned about the internet how it can ruin your life, but it's really not the internet itself, it's the people. I’m not saying there aren’t good, honest people on the internet because there are some good people, but even the people who look and sound really nice can turn evil when they get on Instagram.

In my twelve years of life, I have seen people completely affected in negative ways by what people say to them over these social media. Even if people seem to be your friend as soon as they become anonymous they will say whatever comes to mind. Things like this happening over the internet is called cyberbullying. It has already become a huge problem. People commit suicide because of it and I can't stress enough how important it is to stand up for people when this happens.

The bullies normally won't just have one victim they will often come after multiple people. These people sometimes do this out of jealousy, or out of hatred for the other person(s). In my opinion, I find this stupid! If you are angry with someone go talk to them. I don’t mean go get in a fight with them, I mean don’t be a coward about it. If you can't say it to their face you probably shouldn’t say it over the internet. Another alternative is just ignore the person you're mad at. Like, seriously why go to such extremes if you don’t even have to be near this person?!
by Caitlyn