What have I learned about Climate Change?
I have learned much about climate change in this learning course. Some key details I think that I should state are that the average American takes up about 16 football fields of square feet. Almost 80% of the energy we almost 80% of the energy we use right now comes from burning fossil fuels. There has never been more than 300ppm of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for over 800,00 years until just a couple decades ago. Which is over 100 times faster than the previous 800,000 years.
Freeways are HUGE sources of air pollutants. Natural disasters like hurricanes are also getting more and more destructive as the years go on. This is very stressful for people who live on eastern coasts because some of them are left without power, food, water, and sometimes shelter.
The planet is actually really beautiful and humans are very smart. The CO2 emissions are what keep the planet warm, but too much can lead to great heat spikes that have never been reached before. In being able to create a big change in the world, they have to see the truth and what is really happening. Many people have taken action and speak up about our global crisis. There are thousands of young people speaking out in front of other nations, politicians, and protesting and pointing the finger at our US government about how crooked we really are and how little we’re doing about the problem. If our generation of people keeps doing this for the next few years and the government decides to do something about it, our movement can move the world.
I have a choice: To do something or nothing. I am going to DOT or Do One Thing to help the world in this crisis. I am only one out of 7.8 billion people, but that can eventually turn into thousands and even millions. We can’t just sit around and let the future happen for ourselves. If everyone thought that all of their problems would get solved, there might have already been over thousands of countries that have risen over 33 degrees celsius. As the next generation, we have to make the future. And we can start that off by DOT or Doing One Thing for Climate Change.
What is my DOT?
DOT is Doing One Thing for climate change. There are so many things that you can do to help put a stop to the growing global atmospheric temperatures.
What have I decided to do?
Well, I have decided to do multiple different things. A lot of these things I just do casually like turning the lights off, reducing my waste, recycling, and riding my bike places. But what I've changed? I decided to not eat so much meat, use cleaner energy (Haven't got to the solar panels yet), I have never let the water run while I've brushed my teeth, and I also have washed my hands not in cold water, but in cooler water. I know, not much right? But sometimes, in a whole year, those things add up to be a lot. If that wasn't true then everyone would leave their water running, throw everything in the trash. Did you know that if no one ran the water while they brushed their teeth that we could save nearly 2400 gallons of water in a year